Plus:Dialog DatabaseWindowsNew

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Dialog: Database Windows - New Window

This subdialog serves to create or edit a user-defined window in the windows database. It contains several tab sheets:


In this tab sheet you can enter, edit or view the highlighted window.

  • "Name:"

Enter the name of the window.

  • "U-Value":

Enter the U-Value of the window.

  • "Frame reduction Factor":

This value define the proportion of the glass pane.

  • "Glass emissivity":

Enter the emissivity of the window.

  • "Solar Heat Gain Coefficient;:

Click the check box on the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) if you have detailed information about this values. If you click the check box an additional table occurs on the screen in which you can insert the detailed SHGC.

  • "Additional buttons on the right side of the screen": Use this bottons to specify more or less lines in the table for a detailed SHGC:
    • "New":
      A new line will be inserted at the end of the table.
    • "Delete:"
      Remove the highlighted line from the table.

If you have no detailed information of the SHGC enter the value in the line of SHGC.


Here you may enter any info or remarks on the window.

"Assign Catalogue":

The window needs to be assigned to (at least) one of the catalogues. This tab sheet displays a list of All Catalogues that are user-defined (you cannot assign a window to one of the predefined catalogues).

Click the check box on the catalogue to which you want to assign the window. The window will be added to the database when you close this dialog with the "OK" button.