Sketch-Up can be used to import a building into WUFI®Plus or WUFI®Passive. Instead of defining the building in WUFI itself, you can build it in Sketch-Up, define the components, and create and attach multiple zones.

The installation of the Sketch-Up plug-in is quite easy. Open the WUFI Sketch-Up plug in via the options menu on the toolbar, check the box for "Use WUFI plugin into Sketchup" and search for the path of the Sketch-Up installation. Click "Install" and the installation is complete.
This video gives a good explanation on how to use the plug in.
Zones can be generated by clicking on the "Plug-ins" button in the toolbar, selecting WUFIplus, and clicking on "Zones". A window will open, where you can define the number of zones in your building.
You can define your building by outer OR inner dimensions. Be sure to check if WUFI@Passive is set to the corresponding adjustment. If inner dimensions are set, WUFI will "build" the walls out from the outer side of the model and vise versa.