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Version vom 19. Mai 2008, 20:44 Uhr von Len (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: = Overview of WUFI's Dialog Structure = <P> This list contains a description of all menu items and of all dialogs, including dialogs which are not directly accessible ...)
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Overview of WUFI's Dialog Structure

This list contains a description of all menu items and of all dialogs, including dialogs which are not directly accessible via the menus, but as sub-dialogs of other dialogs:



• New
 Wipes WUFI's memory clean and starts
                      a new  project.
• Open Project...
 Displays a dialog in which you can specify the
                      where your  project
                       data reside.
• Revert to last saved
 Reverts the project to its last version saved in the
                       cache directory,
                      thus providing a rudimentary undo function.
• Save
 Saves the project data
                      to the  save directory.
• Save Project As...
 Asks for a save directory
                      and writes the  project data
• Import...
 Imports archived project files.
• Export...
 Creates an archive file from your project data.
• Exit
 Closes WUFI-2D.


•  Project
 This dialog can be used as a memo pad for some administrative project info.
•  Geometry
 Here you define the geometry of the component

by assembling it from rectangular elements.

•  Page Setup
 Use this dialog to define the home position and the default magnification for the component graphics.
• Load From File
 Load a PostScript file describing the geometry of the component
• Save To File
 Save the script describing the geometry as a PostScript file.
•  Grid
 Specify the numerical grid for the component.
•  Page Setup
 Use this dialog to define the home position and the default magnification for the component graphics.
•  Materials
 Assign material properties to the different elements of the component.
•  Page Setup
 Use this dialog to define the home position and the default magnification for the component graphics.
•  Allocation of Properties (Material)
 This dialog displays a list of materials that have so far been
                        assigned to different elements of the component. You can assign
                        an existing material to the component, add new materials you want
                        to assign to the component, and edit the properties of existing
•  Material Database
 You can select a new material from the material database.
•  Material Properties
 You can edit the properties of a material to better suit your needs.
•  Initial Conditions
 Specify the temperatures and relative humidities existing in the different elements of the component at the start of the component.
•  Surface/Climate
 Assign surface coefficients and climatic boundary conditions to the different surface segments of the component.
•  Page Setup
 Use this dialog to define the home position and the default
                        magnification for the component graphics.
•  Allocation of Properties (Surface/Climate)
 This dialog displays a list of surface coefficients and climatic
                        conditions that have so far been assigned to different surface
                        segments of the component. You can assign a list entry to a surface
                        segment of the component, add new list entries or edit existing ones.
•  Edit Surface Coefficients
•  Edit Climate
 You can edit the surface coefficients and select the climate
                          to be assigned to a surface segment of the component.
•  Select Climate
 Select the climate to be assigned to a surface
                            segment. You may use measured climate data, schematic
                            sine curves or interior climates derived from exterior
                            climate data.
•  Select Climate File (from map)
•  Select Climate File (File Browser)
 If you want to read the climate data from a file, you
                              can select the file from a map (for files included
                              with WUFI) or with a file browser (for files provided
                              by yourself).
•  Detailed Options
 If you are reading the climate data from a file, you may
                              make use of special options provided by some file formats.
•  Computational Parameters
 The options offered in this dialog allow you to control
                      the way the calculation is done.


 Click Start to run the calculation. You may Suspend or Terminate
                      the calculation at any time; the results accumulated so far remain
                      accessible and can be analysed.
• Edit Input File
 WUFI experts may edit the input file which transfers all
                        the input data to WUFI's numerical processor.


•  View the Results
 Launches the program WUFI2Dmotion which displays the results
                      as animated 3D graphs.
• View the Results (1D)
 Launches a program which allows you to select regions of interest
                      in the component and to analyse the temporal behavior of
                      the mean temperatures, humidities etc. in this region.
• View Report
 Creates a report detailing all the project data and launches
                      the web browser to display it.


•  Material
 The material database dialog allows you to browse the material
                      database and to create new catalogs and materials.
•  Edit Catalog
 Use this dialog to create a new catalog
                        for user-defined materials
•  New Material
 Use this dialog to create a new
• Constructions
 The database also contains a collection of one-dimensional
                      building components. In WUFI-2D these are currently not accessible.


•  Settings
 Specify the cache directory in which you are working, the home directory for saving projects, the database language and a few other settings.
• Set As Default
 This option allows you to define the current project as the default project.
• Reset Default
 This option resets a previous definition of a default project.
•  Administrate Modules
 (This menu item is currently not used)
•  Export...
 Creates a self-extracting compressed file containing the result file and the result viewer WUFI-2D Motion.
•  Customize
 (This menu item is currently not used)


• Contents
 This menu item opens the contents dialog of the on-line help system.
• Topic Search
 This menu item opens the keyword search dialog of the on-line help system.
• About
 This menu item displays the version number of WUFI-2D.

WUFI-2D Motion:

There is currently only a very short description of the WUFI-2D Motion program for visualizing the calculation results.