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When the project building is edited in Building Wizard or by Script file all componets are listed in the Components/Geometry elemtent. The area, the orientation and inclination are indicated. The components are arranged by stories and orientation in the Navigation Tree and can be selected here for entering the necessary inputs.

Single Component

The inputs for the single components can be entered here. In the different tab layer the assebly, the surface and initial conditions for the component are to define. You may name the component well defined. After the calculation you can see the reluts concerning only this component in the tab layer Results.

Component with Window

Either with a right click on the component or a klick on the New window button a window can be inserted.

The geometry of the window can be edited easy by defining position and dimension.

Then the window is to assign with the according window type.

Additional Inner Components

Under the Additional inner components you can add components inside your heated space. For exaple walls inside the balaced zone. These components can be edit in this dialog. Similar to the compontents of the geometry you can define General Data like the denomination and the area of the additional component. The assembly can be chosen as well as surface deatils. Also the initial conditions and the numeric settings can be done. And as in the other components you can give out the specific results for the additional component after calculation in tab layer Results.

Inner Climate

The following elements are available and to choose per double click

Design Conditions

Design Conditions consists of the

  • Temperature min. and max
  • Relative Humidity min. and max.
  • CO2-Concentration max.
  • Ventilation

For this layer you have different possibilities to view. You can select a view of all parameters, of one selected or of those which are checked in the checkbox. On the bottom you can define the shown period and fix a specific date in the calculation time.

With a double click in the list of available elements you get to the choosen element.

Min. / Max. Temperature

In the layers of min. and max temperature you can define the temperature profile of the building. On top you can edit periods of different temperature profiles during the year.

Beneath you can define the day-profiles. The day can be devided in sections of variable temperatures.

The day-temperature-profile is shown as a graph at the end.

Min. / Max. Relative Humidity

In the layers of min. and max relative humidity you can define the humidity profile of the building. On top you can edit periods of different humdidity profiles during the year.

Beneath you can define the day-profiles. The day can be devided in sections of variable percentages.

The day-profile is shown as a graph at the end.

Max. CO2-Concentration

In the layers of max CO2-Concentration you can define the CO2 profile of the building. On top you can edit periods of different CO2 profiles during the year.

Beneath you can define the day-profiles. The day can be devided in sections of variable concentrations. Here you can choose from different values of the concentration.

The day-profile is shown as a graph at the end.



Loads consists of the

  • Occupancy
  • Additional
    • Heat convective
    • Heat radiant
    • Moisture
    • CO2-emission

For this layer you have different possibilities to view. You can select a view of all parameters, of one selected or of those which are checked in the checkbox. On the bottom you can define the shown period and fix a specific date in the calculation time.



Heat convective

Heat radiant




Equipment consists of the

  • Heating power
  • Cooling power
  • Humidification capability
  • Dehumidification capability
  • Capability of ventilation system

For this layer you have different possibilities to view. You can select a view of all parameters, of one selected or of those which are checked in the checkbox. On the bottom you can define the shown period and fix a specific date in the calculation time.

Heating power

Cooling power

Humidification capability

Dehumidification capability

Capability of ventilation system

Other Parameters