1D:Dialog HygrothermalSources

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Dialog: Hygrothermal Sources

DialogHygrothermischeQuellen e 02.gif

You can specify heat, moisture and air change sources (or sinks) for the highlighted layer. Each layer has a list of associated sources/sinks. Use this dialog to edit the list.

In order to add a new source/sink to the list, click on the button "New Heat Source", "New Moisture Source" or "New Air Change Source", as appropriate. A new source/sink of the corresponding type will be added to the list, and a dialog pops up where you can specify the properties of the source/sink.

In order to change the properties of an existing source/sink, highlight it in the list and click on the "Edit" button to open the edit dialog.

The "Delete" button serves to remove sources/sinks from the list.

Version notice: in WUFI light no sources can be specified. WUFI ORNL/IBP allows no sources except one moisture source.